KiKu Rohrspatzen becomes Heidelberg's first bee-friendly daycare center

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Just in time for the start of spring, the Rohrspatzen kindergarten wants to become a bee oasis in Heidelberg. Under the guidance of experts from Bee friendly, food sources, nesting opportunities and habitats will be created on the kindergarten grounds during a workshop on March 15. In this way, the children can experience biodiversity up close from a young age and practise nature conservation. Of course, there is also plenty of fun to be had. At the end of the workshop, the children make their own bee hotel, which they can take home with them.

Biodiversity and insect extinction: "Why are bees so important?"

"Why are bees so important?" The children at the KiKu Rohrspatzen daycare center are currently getting to the bottom of this question in a playful way. After all, bees are not only farm animals that produce our honey, but also perform many other essential tasks on our planet. Honey bees, wild bees and other insects pollinate our fruit and vegetable plants so that we humans have enough to eat.

Unfortunately, pollinating insects do not have it easy in Germany and Europe: the use of pesticides in industrial agriculture and urban sprawl has led to a 75 percent decline in insect populations. The so-called insect extinction can be mitigated by a few simple measures, such as the creation of food sources and habitats in the form of wildflower meadows and nesting aids. The aim of the workshop is to sensitize children, parents and educators to the topic.

Ökologische Werte von jung auf erfahren

Experience ecological values from a young age

Sustainability, environmental protection and biodiversity are abstract buzzwords that have only recently been put into practice by many people: from e-cars and a ban on single-use plastics to wildflower meadows, acceptance of such ecological initiatives is growing. To ensure that the future of our planet remains liveable, even the youngest members of society need to be taken on board. The KiKu Rohrspatzen daycare center in Heidelberg-Rohrbach has decided to take this step and become Heidelberg's first bee-friendly kindergarten.

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