Wildflower campaign against insect mortality

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At Bee friendly, we want to use World Bee Day (May 20) to raise awareness about the issue of bee and insect decline. For this purpose, we are planning a wildflower campaign in our home region, the Rhein-Neckar district. From barren traffic islands to desolate roadside strips or other fallow land, we want to make the metropolitan region a little more colorful and bee-friendly. For this, we are donating wildflower seeds for nearly 3,200 square meters of land.

The so-called insect decline has many causes and drastic consequences. Insects form the foundation of our nature, and without wild bees, butterflies, and the like, we would be in serious trouble: Who would pollinate all our plants that provide us with food? What would birds, fish, and other animals eat if there were no insects? One of the main causes of insect decline is industrial agriculture and its massive use of pesticides.

But increasing urban sprawl and the resulting sealing of land is also a major issue, as it destroys more and more habitats and food sources. "We know that a few wildflower meadows won't stop the insect decline. But we simply hope to raise awareness about the issue among people in the region – and of course, we want to make the region more colorful and bee-friendly!" says Sascha, one of the founders of Bee friendly.

Wildflower campaign on World Bee Day: what you should look out for

To create a colorful and bee-friendly wildflower meadow, you should keep the following tips in mind when sowing:

Light conditions: Most wildflowers prefer sunny to partially shaded locations.

Location choice: You can sow wildflowers in the garden, flower pots, or on fallow land.

Substrate: Wildflowers like poor (nutrient-deficient) soil. For this, you can mix peat-free potting soil with some sand to reduce nutrients.

Bee seeds: A Bee friendly bee seed bag contains enough seeds for 3–5 square meters.

Sowing: Before sowing, the soil should be loosened slightly. Be sure not to sow the wildflower seeds too close together. After sowing, press the bee seeds into the soil, but do not cover them.

Germination period: Ensure the soil remains moist but not soggy during the germination period (1–2 weeks).

Aphids and pests: Avoid using chemical pesticides and opt for natural remedies instead.

Care: Make sure your wildflower meadow doesn’t dry out, but avoid using fertilizer.

We also have two requests for you: (1) Please be kind and get the consent of the property owners before sowing wildflower seeds on private land. (2) Please ensure that you don’t sow the wildflower seeds in places where a wildflower meadow could obstruct the view of drivers. Thank you for your help!

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